Wednesday, January 27, 2010

If you pray

I'm not very religious. I envy more then most can imagine those who have a solid faith. It'snot that I don't believe, I just don't have the conviction to religion many others have.
If you do, or even if you don't....
Take a minute, visit this site, and please say a prayer....

Friday, January 22, 2010

My normal confronted.. a few times

The whole family was off yesterday. Ben had an appointment at the seating clinic at Childrens Hospital. Ben is very mobile, yet refuses to walk EVAH out in public. We're able to carry him now.. but that time is limited.
We get there, and meet with a PT and vendor for the coaches. They roll it in, and it just plain looks medicinal. It's 1/2 wheelchair, and 1/2 stroller. YUCK!!!!! I ask the vendor if they have anything else. Crazy question? He returns with "This isn't Baby's R Us with the selection". Now... I'm at Children's with a purpose, so this asshole isn't going to get me started. The price you ask?.... $1,600..... WHAT!!!! We're told that many people who have children with mobility issues are being denied by insurance. Interestingly enough, we've always been thrilled with our insurance, and don't expect any issue. Who'd think Ben running into the river last week would be so timely. We used that example of why he needs restraint and... that's a pretty good one. Our insurance asks for a 10% copay. That's $160.00. Doable. Those who have benefits through my work pay 50% of durable equipment. That's 800.00 and change. WOW! and how about those that have children that simply are not mobile. What the HELL!
Last night, after children's, I went to the Home Show with my husband and Ben. We got there right at opening (4pm), We walked the aisles, and Brent squeeled quietly every now and then.
It was one of those times where I knew what I saw as normal, others didn't. How many vendors made an extra fuss over Ben. He recieved many of their trinkets, brochures, and even had an offer to go to work for a man. Of course while all this is going on, Ben never acknowledged a single one of them. I knew they could see he was different, and they were being extra nice. I friggin hated it! As soon as someone would start in, I'd look down and away from the vendors to see what was catching people attention. Low and Behold, there's be Ben, flapping, babbling, having what is refered by another mother as "a puppet hand". That description was perfect for what Ben does, so if your child has a puppet hand. you know.
I do know that the public being extra nice, supportative, sweet to Ben shows the world is full of compassion, caring, and generally good people. I just don't want it to have to be for Ben. Leave me alone!!!!
At the end, we were passing a stand where a woman was selling Discovery Toys. Brent stopped to show Ben a ball maze. The woman 55+ or so, begins her selling and then says, "your son is specail needs". I didn't want to reply. I hated thinking that in 3 minutes she could see he wasn't "typical". Can't everyone just leave me and my normal alone.
I answered "yes"... slowely.... and she procedded to tell my husband that her 2nd son was on the Aspbergers spectrum. I KNOW I should have then talked to her like an extended family. She's been there..... but I didn't. I accepted the brochure, and walked away.

Of course when I sleep on it, and step away for a moment, I'm able to relate to my mother some semblence of the story. She tells me of course he stood out. He's gorgous and high energy. Of course everyone would notice him..... to be that blissfully blind.....ahhhhhh

Monday, January 18, 2010

things you never hear yourself saying

I went swimming, in a creek, in January, in PA. Go figure.

Day started off nice enough. I took Ben to the park, which he absolutly ASTOUNDED me by pedaling his new bike the whole way there. I steered, but he absolutly pedaled.
Funny, he did not want to wear his helmet. Thankfully dad lets go with " Helmet... so we can be safe". His hero Diego says this, and bam... no argument, just puts on the helmet.
After the park, we decide to take the dog to the dog park. We were all having fun, but because I've become a huge nerve all the time, I start to worry about ben around dogs, and looking them in the eye... whatever. I tell Brent I'm going to take Ben to throw rocks in the water,
I get down a little drop, and can tell it's muddy. I sit ben on a log, and turn for the famous second to pick up a rock to hand him. That quick... and I mean quick, he's taking off for the water. Now... he's 40lbs, and sinks some into the mud.... but he's quickly starting to hit the water. I'm not going to tell you how many times his weight I am, but he's up to his ankles, when I jump after him, and am in mid-thigh mud, I grab for him once..miss... second time I get his hood, which proceeds to unsnap... third time a charm. Well, now I'm wet, muddy, and have pulled a thigh muscle from forward motion being brutally stopped by muck. To top it off, it's a very public area, and I have a women across the creak horrified watching.
Ben is completely unmoved by the situation, instead accentuating the positive. He's sure he's now going to get a shower.
I call to my husband (who's chatting it up on a park bench with some lady) Brent.... we have to go now..... He thinks Ben has had an accident till he rounds the car and sees me wet and muddy from head to toe.... his words... "Oh my".. priceless.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

when he's busy... we're all busy

Well.... Ben has picked up a new past time. It involves plumbing.
On Saturday, my husband discovered our downstairs bathroom not flushing. Of course the fact that Ben's been enjoying throwing a variety of objects into the toilet and trying to flush them, we weren't overly suprised. This one was tricky though... just the right size to make it down the drain, but get caught in the elbos.
Brent took off the toilet (all those home improvement books at work) and off to the Home Depot. While we're there, we decide our blue paint, hideous border, and ripped up floor could "easily" be replaced during this repair. Of course the fact we decide to do this renovation at 1pm on Saturday, already promising to go to my mothers house for dinner.... what the hell!
Well.... long story short. The bathroom is small, and only Brent could work comfortably (at least that's what I told him).. low and behold by Sunday night... fresh paint, fresh floor,.... just have to get that toilet back on.
Brent's sitting in the middle of our den, with a flashlight peering in the toilets intricite ins/outs.
He asks me to shake the toilet... I do... the seat and lid come down on his fingers. He's still keeping a positive outlook.
Ben steals his flashlight and runs.... Ben comes running back into the room with scissors (how cliche right!). I take them away, yell at Brent for leaving them around, Ben flies past us again with his plastic scissors.
Long story short (I know, too late) Brent whines he really needs his flashlight. I begin looking... nowhere to be found...when suddenly.... I look in the sewer pipe left open by the missing toilet. voila! I then get to reach into the golden pipe and retrieve the light and scissors. Don't you wonder what got away?
The next day driving home, I'm reinforcing that good boys don't throw/flush things in the toilet, and Bens a good boy right!!!!
Well... That evening he stayed away from the toilet, instead jamming 15 Q-Tips down our sink.

Thank God we've been smited with a sick sense of humor. Some how we laugh at it.