Thursday, March 18, 2010

and I emailed him again

As I continue to consider the ramifications of your budget choices, I also began to think...The fights you go thru with a "non-typical child"People staring at you wherever you goPraying that a child takes interest in yours so they can hava A friend. I single child that will see mine for who he is.While most parents are planning for T-Ball, summer camp, and kindergarten, We're doing estate planning for when we can't be here to take care of him anymore.Now throw in having to fight the governers office for their ignorance and indifference.Thank you Governer. I must say, your 98% cut to my son's funding was a worry, fight, and heartache I never saw coming. Good Job!


  1. STFU he did not! Are you fucking kidding me??? Oh my God!!! I will be emailing his fat sorry ass!

  2. I only wish I were kidding. I hate that Fat Fart too, but even I couldn't make this lousy crap up!!!

  3. I emailed him. Jerk OFFFFFF!!!! Our speech therapist was here today and she works for the school district the next town over and she is all nervous now for her job. Dev's IEP meeting is next month. Let's not even discuss how Jersey I will go on their asses if they TRY to cut his services.
