It's so funny, I refuse to curse or to attack you personally, and yet it continues to just get harder to keep that promise to myself. The more I read, the more informed I become, the harder it is to not personalize this.
I read this:To close a deficit that he asserted was approaching $11 billion, Governor Christie called for the layoffs of 1,300 state workers, closings of state psychiatric institutions, an $820 million cut in aid to public schools, and nearly a half-billion dollars less in aid to towns and cities. He also suspended until May 2011 a popular property-tax rebate program, breaking one of his own campaign promises.
SERIOUSLY?????You're taking from children, the mentally impaired?... then I kept reading:cutting state-financed school breakfasts and rental assistance and trimming the state’s earned-income tax credit to 20 percent of the federal benefit, from 25 percent.
Well Mr. Christie. I'll be in Trenton on Wednesday. I'm joining other parents and childrens with disabilites to come and let you know our feelings. I'll ask that you come out to speak to us, but I've seen nothing but arrogance and a bullying attitude from you. Additionally, if I were to see you face to face, I don't know that I could keep my own promise to myself.Better you should hide away in shame.
Also a tax cut for those making over $400,000 a year. Hey could you email me at I want to share something with you.