Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the word sorry

Yesterday I went to synagouge. My husband likes to attend at least once a year. For him it's Yom Kippor, for me church is Xmas and hopefully Easter.
The purpose of yesterdays lesson was repenting. Saying your sorry for even you every-day shortfalls. If your ignorant, rude, unfaithful, uncaring... knowing to say sorry.....
Also, being able to accept an apology. truly accept it.
Well. This is a good lesson, and quite honestly the world would be a better place if more people could say. look, I was wrong and I feel bad about it. and then the apology was accepted and all moved on. Godly I say,.
Well I suck at all the steps listed above. I hate to say I'm sorry. (If I step on your foot, or drop the door before your thru, no big deal) but the biggy sorries... HATE IT!!!
I'm not a huge communicator as is. I'd rather dole out the silent treatment until I'm over what ever is bothering me. When I get mad I'm a TOTAL BITCH, and will say whatever I damn well please, no matter how nasty it is.
If I'm the one who's wrong, I'm much more apt to SHOW I'm sorry. If I know I was a total bitch for no real reason, I do little things for Brent. Bring him a snack, offer some token that shows I know I was wrong.

Now... when someone says sorry to me. (and it's a biggy sorry). I can't say I forgive people so easy. Forgive and never forget. We all know it's true. I can't help it. I'm a grudge holder. fool me once, shame on you,,,,yadda yadda yadda


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