Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How do you know if you're right?

So in a previous post I discussed that most of what I do, I do because I think I'm right. That still goes.
I've been wondering lately if I really am or not.
Ben is a very happy guy. I know that we are blessed in so many areas with him. Every night that I read him his books, and he snuggles right down to sleep peacefully thru the night.. Each night, I know we're lucky. I've heard other mothers in Bens school say how their children just don't sleep.
Each night Ben eats a healthy, and somewhat variable dinner, I know we're lucky. Other children are still on puree in his class.
My Ben laughs and takes complete joy in his world more often then not. We're lucky.
Now.... I attribute Ben's happiness and ability to be flexible with his father and I. Sorta along the way of God gave us the child we were intended to have, and gave Ben the parents he needed. (arrogant huh?) Lately I've been wondering if I've been putting too much enfesses on his happiness, and not enough into his improvement. Ben comes home from school/daycare and jumps into my bed to watch a couple "Diego" episodes. This is great for me, giving me time to get changed/dinner started/ dog out/ a cup of coffee. My rationale is he has LONG days. He's picked up on the bus at 8:30A.... goes to school until 2:30, gets bussed to daycare, and then I pick him up at 5:45. That's a long day for a little kid.
All the while in the back of my head I'm hearing "turn off the tv, let him help with dinner, talk to him, talk to him, talk to him.
Ben can have a fit when he doesn't get his way. (takes after me). I usually will just ride it out, talk to him quietly, divert his attention. This works (sometimes it takes a while but eh...). At dinner on Monday Night Ben ran out my sister-in-laws back door trying to get to the pool. My husband had had it, and yelled. It pretty much stopped him, and he forgot about going outside and sat down. he didn't get upset, but he knew the end was there.
I worry I don't challenge him, talk to him, discipline, teach him......enough......


1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. I too do that, especially since my son has hit a developmental leap....I feel wonder if I should be working with/interacting w/him all the time, esp. since he wants me to. But then we have to get things done too. And you with two others, wow, I just have the one - I can't imagine. (OT: I grew up in Tuckerton, outside of Long Beach Island. Saw you are from Cherry Hill. Love that place. The mall was a favorite place for me friends & me in HS).
