Wednesday, October 7, 2009

damn that chucky cheese to hell!

Well.... The last two nights ben has been looking at us, grabbing our cheeks and holding our heads still while he gazes puposefully into our eyes. The whole time repeating over and over..."Chucky EESSESS??"
Needless to say the word no is not what he's hoping/expecting/tolerating. That's probably the danger of constanly rewarding him for his vocalizations. Whenever has asks for something I do try my hardest to honor it, in an effort to show him how asking and communicating are beneficial to him. Of course most of his vocalization is "Donut, hamburger, pizza"... you get the drift.

So you ever think about the future? That is one scary thing. I still see Ben as a baby/little boy. My husband and I refer to him as "the baby". See the disfunction working here LOL. Well, much of what he does now is relatively easy to control, redirect.... but he's begining...... begining to get a little bigger where picking him up is more difficult.... dealing with him angry.. a little harder.
I think I fear the future BIG TIME!
I've found a website of a mother with a 18/19 yr old autistic boy. I started reading her posts from 2007. I haven't caught up to her present yet. 2007 is dealing with her and her husband deciding whether or not to find housing for their son. He became aggressive and intimidating. How can I bear to even think this could be my reality in the future?
What was her child like? I think I read he was a happy guy, but that can't be........
Her blog is interesting, if you're interested it's

I'm going to live in the present as much as possible. I'm going to enjoy these days of Chucky Cheese being the silver lining, and pick Ben up as much as possible..... before that icky "future" crap comes up and bites me on the *ss.

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